"Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says."
Do I take seriously God's word? That's the question. If by these instructions I might find abundant life, would I not be careful to follow them exactly? If in fact I were holding a treasure map that indicated the location of a treasure in a field, would I not heed it's instruction?
Obedience is not required for salvation. It can never be through works of the law that we could choose to be righteous for if we choose it would not be by God's choice and it would not be grace. However obedience flows naturally out of faith like water out of a faucet. If the water did not flow, then it wouldn't be a very good faucet. How can anyone be obedient to Christ if they do not first believe in Christ? Truly we are all disobedient who do not know Christ.
And who can know Christ except to whom He reveals himself? So then faith which gives birth to obedience and leads to salvation is in fact a gift of God's grace. The entire salvific process is done by God, through God, and in God so that it can never fail, unlike religion made by men.
So be doers of the will of God: to believe in the one whom he has sent. Those that have ears to hear, let them hear!
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