"God sets the lonely in families, he leads forth the prisoners with singing; but the rebellious live in a sun-scorched land."
What do you think of when you think of your family? Do happy memories come to mind, or perhaps only darker ones. No one chooses the family they are born into, but like them or leave them you only get one, or so we're told.
Sure we all come from one kind of family or another, but there exists a second greater family that surpasses the first: your spiritual family. Jesus says, "Who are my mother and my brothers? Those who do the will of my father in heaven are my mother and sister and brother."
The rebellious live lives of isolation and desolation. They lack intimacy and true relationship. They suffer when they have no need to and oftentimes they do not realize how much they hurt. But as it takes people to make you sick, it takes some people to make you well again.
So maybe you don't have a great family life. Maybe your Christmas mornings are preferably spent alone or your thanksgivings are completely awkward. The good news of the Gospel here is this: "You don't have to be alone anymore".
And what beautiful news it is.
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