"In that day," declares the Lord, "you will call me 'my husband'; you will no longer call me 'my master.'..."
I've never had a husband before, but I suppose it would be wonderful to be married to God. Imagine that: The day that God and us become equals through marriage. Imagine knowing God so intimately. Social beings that we are, not a single one of us desires to be alone nor is it God's will that we are alone. God created Eve and gave her to Adam in marriage for this reason, but imagine if you could just be married to God. What would it be like waking up and he's always there right with you through thick and thin, always whispering I love you, always telling you how beautiful you truly are? No doubt it would be heaven on earth.
From Hosea 2:14 onward, God talks about romancing us, about pursuing us like a young boy lost in love. How will you respond? Will you play hard to get? Will you lead Him on? Would you scorn his childishness or would you see someone on the side? Or perhaps one day you fall madly deeply in love with Him and you realize the only thing you ever really wanted was to love and be loved so fully and so perfectly for who you are.
My friends, that day has come. The bridegroom is here; just walk down the aisle to meet him.
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