"Jesus Himself was in the stern, asleep on the cushion; and they woke Him and said to Him, "Teacher, do You not care that we are perishing?"
"Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?" These are the words of the disciples, unaware that Christ's very presence was an answer to his question. God does in fact care that we are perishing. That is why he came down to us in order that we might live.
And yet Jesus was found asleep on the boat as it was tossed and turned by the waves on the open sea. How could Jesus remain so calm when death seemed imminent? Either he doesn't care or they were not perishing. Judging that God came down from heaven to save us, the latter must be true.
In the presence of Christ, we will never perish. If He who is eternal lives in us, how can we die? And if we who have been baptized died to sin, how then can we die to it once more? We have been reborn so that the life we have we live to God so if you feel like you are perishing, ask yourself, "Is the LORD with me?" for if He is, you have nothing to fear.
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