The LORD is a god of intimacy. He is not far off from us, but he is in our midst. He walks along side us, before us, and after us. As we dwell in him he also dwells in us. This is our God who permeates every fiber of existence and we are saturated by his love.
And He is mighty to save us. Such a powerful and awe-inspiring God whose foes tremble at his feet and cower in fear is a God who with the same hand embraces us, caresses us and protects us. In His strong arms, he rejoices over us, happy just to hold us in his arms. He is the bridegroom taking delight in his bride.
And it is his love which calms and quiets us. It's his love which melts us in his arms in peace and serenity. This intimate God comforts us and soothes us. His touch is restoring and his presence is relaxing. He gives rest to our tired bodies.
And our God is a hopeless romantic. He serenades us with love songs. His pleasure cannot be contained as he bursts into song for his beloved. And He has a beautiful voice. The same voice which can crush armies and topple mountains is music to our ears.
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