No ear has heard
no mind has conceived
what God has prepared for
those who love him"
What vast and untold treasures lie in wait for those who love God! He guides their movements and he plans their steps and he causes wonder upon wonder to pass upon them. How marvelous are his plans! How wondrous are his workings!
Who could speak of such untold beauty? Who can imagine the Earth and paint the sky and with a single breath cause it to be? And just when you thought God could not get any better, he always manages to completely and pleasantly surprise us in new ways. How amazing is God in all that he does!
Look to the heavens, all you peoples, and gaze upon it's infinite majesty. Imagine, if you will, the deep pleasures of intimacy. Greater things than these will the Father bestow on the ones who love him. You have no idea the things God is planning at this very moment; marvelous things to be bestowed upon you. If you think you have known the fullness of the joy of God, you have only tasted the first fruits, a small sample of the abundance to come. He hand makes every gift with you in mind; it is tailored specifically for you.
I used to think I knew what happiness was. I realize now with each new thing that the Lord has given that I knew nothing at all.
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