"Haven't you read this Scripture:
'The stone the builders rejected has become the capstone; The LORD has done this and it is marvelous in our eyes.'?
In our moment of defeat as we lay helpless and hopeless on the battlefield with the enemy bearing down on us about to plunge his fiery spear into our hearts, the true Heir of the Kingdom came to us and fought in our stead and repelled the enemy. But what was to be a moment of gratitude turned into betrayal as we plunged our sword into His back in hopes that Satan and his army might be merciful to us and spare our lives. Satan took His Body and hung it up as a trophy of his victory and there Jesus lay abandoned, rejected, and alone for three days while some wept, some cheered, and others stood indifferent, but everyone who wasn't slain was captured and forced into slavery. With the death of our King, Satan's army's had won the war.
But the stone the builders rejected had become the capstone. Jesus rose from the dead and empowered by his Father proceeded to destroy Satan's kingdom from the inside out and with him were all those who believed in his power and might to deliver us from captivity and joined him in his fight. The man who became our sacrifice became our savior and it is marvelous in our eyes.
The third day of Holy week.
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