Is Jesus using a metaphor here or is he being literal?
Hodos is a Greek word meaning way, path, road, or journey. Coupled with the latter half of the verse, he is a roadway to the Father himself, a path upon which we can walk. Traditionally people interpret this as "If we behave in the way Jesus did, we will come to the father". Hodos can indeed mean a manner of thought or behavior when used metaphorically, but is this a metaphor? Is it the traveler or the path that determines where the traveler ends up?
Lethe is a Greek word for "forgetfulness" or "Concealment" or "Oblivion". It's counterpart is Aletheia (a-lethe-ia) literally meaning "un-forgetfulness" or "Un-concealment", just something that is not hidden or is evident. It is the Greek word for "Truth". Jesus is the invisible God made flesh, self-evident and fully disclosed. He is the revelation of God himself. When coupled with Jesus's statement of "I AM" at the beginning of this sentence, he is making a bold claim. Or is he simply saying that he is the only thing that is true?
Zoe, which means life, is a bit tricky. If literal, he is saying that He is the exact thing which animates all living things and the source of all life. If it's a metaphor, he is that which brings true and everlasting life and is the sustainer of all life.
So which is it? Metaphor or literal? I think so.
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