"This is love for God: to obey his commands. And his commands are not burdensome, for everyone born of God overcomes the world."
In the book of Joshua, God gives Joshua a master battle plan for which to conquer the city of Jericho. His victory is guaranteed as long as he does exactly as God has said. In the same way are we all victors and overcomers who believe in Christ who overcame sin and death. Christ is our commander in chief leading the victory march on a war already won.
To be obedient is to walk as Christ who was obedient even unto death. Because Christ leads by example, so too should we follow out of reverence lest we dishonor the Name of Christ which has been given to us. Remember that it is Christ who saves you. Your obedience is simply to show love for the name by which sin and death are defeated, by which all who believe receive grace and salvation, by which God's promise is kept and his reputation restored. Truly it is not burdensome! It is pure joy to serve Christ and his kingdom.
So to all those in the struggle: The victory is already yours so have confidence and believe in God's promised!
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